In this publication, I would like to analyze the current prices for copywriting and answer the question “How much does a copywriter earn?” . I think that it will be interesting, first of all, to all those who are attracted copywriter job who only thinks about this way of earning and who is already actively using it.
After reading this article, you will be able to assess your earning potential and draw conclusions about at what stage of the professional growth of a copywriter you are currently at. Find out the actual prices for copywriting will be interesting for customers who need these services. So, how much does a copywriter earn.In copywriting, in the overwhelming majority of cases, payment is made for the actual amount of work done, which when writing an article is measured in thousands of characters.
There are 2 options for calculating the price of copywriting:
1. Over 1000 characters with spaces;
2. Over 1000 characters without spaces.
Various freelance exchange , different customers and performers calculate copywriting prices in one of these ways. Personally, I think that it is necessary to consider the price of copywriting for 1000 characters with spaces, since a space is the same character that a copywriter types on the keyboard, like any other character that you can’t throw out from the text (roughly, if for text without spaces - send him a text without spaces). But, of course, it all depends on the rules of the stock exchange or on the personal agreement between the copywriter and the customer.
Gaps on average occupy 20% of all characters contained in the article.
Thus, the price of copywriting for 1000 characters without spaces should be higher than the price of copywriting for 1000 characters with spaces by about 20%.
Consider how much copywriting services cost, how much a copywriter earns per 1000 characters of text and per month.
I will say right away, the spread will simply be very large. Copywriter's earnings are directly dependent on the following four factors:
1. Acceptable for him the price of copywriting for 1000 characters;
2. Availability and quantity of orders, workload;
3. Efficiency (the number of characters that he can write per day, week, month);
4. Professionalism and experience of a copywriter.
Moreover, these factors are still in inverse relationship with each other. Various types of copywriting cost differently, and at the same time require a different amount of time to prepare them. For example, a simple rewriting of the finished text can be performed at a speed of 1000 characters in 10 minutes, and when writing a quality marketing text that requires searching for the necessary information, the same 1000 characters can take at least an hour.
The prices for copywriting and, accordingly, the earnings of a copywriter directly depend on the type of text that he writes.
In the same way, the earnings of a copywriter directly depend on his professionalism and experience in this field of activity. If we talk about how much a copywriter earns without experience, then his income will never be big: they will be average (if he spends a lot of time) or low (if he spends a little time, for example, use copywriting as extra income in your free time).
A copywriter with no experience at the stage of mastering this profession earns, as a rule, up to $ 0.5 per 1000 characters with spaces for rewriting and up to $ 1 for 1000 characters with spaces for copywriting. Thus, if his labor productivity is, say, 3000 characters of the author's text per hour, and he will work 8 hours a day, then the copywriter's earnings will be $ 24 a day for 24,000 characters of the text. If he works 5 days a week and always has enough orders, he will be able to earn $ 528 for such 22 working days in a month with such a performance.
That is, the earnings of a copywriter without experience per month with orders and the traditional workload can be about $ 500.
But the performers who set themselves higher goals, gaining experience, earning a reputation for themselves, creating a portfolio, after 1-2-3 months begin to raise the price of copywriting and move away from such lows. Thus, the cost of the services of an average copywriter with experience, which most often can now be found on both the stock exchanges and personal circulation is $ 1 per 1000 characters for rewriting and $ 2 per 1000 characters for copywriting. This applies to the usual informational texts of low and medium level of complexity, more complex texts - of course, they are more expensive. Thus, an average copywriter with experience can earn about 2 times more than a beginner.
A copywriter's earnings with average experience with orders and traditional workload can be up to $ 1000 per month.
But if you look at how much a copywriter really earns, then this income, of course, will be less. This is because sustaining a similar pace of work, even with the constant availability of orders, is very difficult. Gaining experience and increasing the price of copywriting, the performer, as a rule, begins to devote less time to work. Therefore, in reality, few people come to the highest possible earnings. But somewhere in the middle of the maximum the average copywriter, for whom copywriting is the main source of income, earns most often.
However, there are prices for copywriting, significantly, several times or even tens of times higher than the average values. This cost of services is set either by companies creating content for websites (there this price is distributed between the company and its copywriter performing a specific task), or copywriters who have achieved the greatest success, whose services are in demand even at a high price.
So, I recently came across the study of the price of copywriting, conducted by one of the companies involved in the promotion of sites on the Internet. The study was conducted at the beginning of the fall of 2014, and for it 100 first results of the Yandex search engine were issued for “copywriting”, “copywriting services”, and “writing texts”. Thus, the average prices for copywriting among authors and companies that are in the TOP of the search results were calculated, and it turned out that they are significantly higher than what the average copywriter earns. The calculation was made in rubles, but for convenience of comparison, I will translate the received figures into dollars at the current rate of 47 rubles / dollar (note that 2 months ago this rate was lower by 20%).
Here are the average prices for copywriting for 1000 characters with spaces, based on the type of work offered by TOP authors and companies:
- Proofreading text (editing spelling, grammatical and catchy stylistic mistakes) - $ 3.28 ;
- Text editing (proofreading + correction of style and logical structure) - $ 4.19 ;
- Rewriting (processing the source text into a unique one) - $ 4.02 ;
- Classic copywriting (copyright information text) - $ 12.26 ;
- SEO-copywriting (the author's text, optimized for the necessary search queries) - $ 8.53 ;
- SEO rewriting (unique revised text optimized for the necessary search queries) - $ 4.19 ;
- The selling text (the author's text intended for the promotion of a product or service on the Internet) - $ 25.49 ;
- Fiction text (speech writing , poems, fiction, etc.) - $ 11.04 .
The average cost of copywriter services among 40 TOP authors and companies was also determined: in September 2014 it was $ 22.06 per 1000 characters with spaces (the maximum was $ 85.43, and the minimum was $ 2.95).
As you can see, the spread even in the TOP between the maximum and minimum is huge - these numbers differ 29 times. But you can see from them how much a professional copywriter earns. I think that there is something to strive for.
In conclusion, I want to share my personal experience. At one time, I started making money on copywriting on one of the exchanges. In the first month, when I just got in the way and “tested” this way of earning, my income was about $ 120. For the next 2 months, I worked hard for my reputation, fulfilling a large number of orders at minimal prices, and my monthly earnings of a copywriter was a little over $ 400. After that, I significantly reduced the pace of work, but at the same time raised prices for my services. And my income from writing articles was about $ 500 with a not so heavy load (4-5 hours a day). Gradually, I began to move away from the stock exchange and work with customers directly, and through the stock exchange only to put finished articles for sale. At that time, the prices for copywriting, which I offered, were 3-5 $ per 1000 characters with spaces. The peak of my copywriter's earnings came in 2 months, when he passed for $ 1000 a month. At the same time, the average salary in my region was $ 250-300 per month.
After that, I switched the focus to other sources of income, but I still use copywriting as one of them. Now, the last 2 years my copywriting prices are at least $ 5 per 1000 characters with spaces. The most expensive texts I wrote were valued at about $ 10 per 1000 characters. On the quality of articles you can judge from this blog.
It took me about 2 hours to write this article. Its size is about 10 thousand characters with spaces. If I sold it to another site for $ 5 per 1000 characters, I would earn $ 50 on it.
With my example I can once again confirm that earnings on copywriting are quite real, and you can make good money with this.
Now you know what the prices for copywriting can be, and you can estimate how much a copywriter earns per month and per 1000 characters. I hope that this information was useful to you, and may be a good motivating factor in order to become a copywriter and try yourself in this way of active earnings on the Internet.
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